Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 5

  • <span itemprop="description"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p>
    <p><em>Milena Dobreva, Nikola Ikonomov. </em>Digitization Department at IMI-BAS: Three Years of Experience / <strong>9</strong><br /> <em>Sebastian Kempgen., </em>'RomanCyrillic Std' - a Free Font for Slavists (and other Philologists) / <strong>27</strong></p>
    <p><em>Donka Petkanova. </em>Gregory Camblak - on some controversial issues / <strong>43</strong><br /> <em>Ilias Evangelou, </em>The Notitia Archiepiscoporum of Bulgaria (according to codices Paris Gr. 880, Mosq. Syn. Gr. 286 and Tyrnayo 18) / <strong>63</strong><br /> <em>Sebastian Kempgen. </em>Das "Munchener Abecedarium" - ein neues Facsimile samt einigen neuen Beobachtungen / <strong>73</strong><br /> <em>Enrique </em><em>Santos</em><em> </em><em>Marinas</em><em>. </em>The Ideological Use of Biblical Motifs and Quotations in the Canon on the Translation of the Relics of St. Clement of Rome / <strong>95</strong><br /> <em>Stilyana Batalova. </em>Some Notes on the Motif of Conversion to Christianity of the Bulgarians in <em>Chronica Pontificum Romanorum </em>by Thomas Ebendorfer / <strong>107</strong><br /> <em>Desislava Atanassova. </em>The Slavonic Translation of Latin Vita of St. Anastasia the Widow and her Companion St. Chrysogonus / <strong>117</strong><br /> <em>Радослав</em><em>а Станкова. </em>О Скопльской минее ХШ в. / <strong>131</strong><br /> <em>Алексей Щекин, </em>"Слово Иоанна Златоуста о твари и о суде" в сборнике РНБ ОСРК Р.1.4: краткий вариант гомилии, приписываемой Клименту Охридскому / <strong>145</strong><em></em><br /> <em>Margarita </em><em>Kuyumdzhieva. </em>The Face of God's Divinity: Some Remarks on the Origin, Models and Content of the Trinity Images of Synthronoi Type in Post-Byzantine Painting / <strong>161</strong><strong></strong><br /> <em>Ralitsa Rousseva. </em>The Murals of the St. Demetrios Church in Bobostica: Local Traditions and Constantinople Influences in the Ecclesiastical Art of the Prespa-Korfia Region in the Fourteenth Century / <strong>183</strong><br /> <em>Stefka Venkova. </em>The music archive of the eastern rite catholic church in Bulgaria / <strong>201</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Debuts</strong><br /> <em>Ivan Iliev. </em>The Origin of Bulgarian Relative Pronouns / <strong>207</strong><br /> <em>Marina Yordanova. </em>The Cycle of Texts Dedicated to the Virgin Mary in an Unstudied Manuscript from the 14th Century / <strong>229</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Personalia</strong><br /> <em>Anissava Miltenova. </em>Elena Tomova at 60 / <strong>237</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Reviews / 243</strong></p>
    <p><strong>New Books </strong><em>(</em><em>Margaret Dimitrova) </em>/ 257<br /> <strong>Abstracts / 281</strong><br /> <strong>Abbreviations / 291</strong></p></span>