Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 6

  • <span itemprop="description"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p>
    <p><em>Anissava Miltenova, Elena Tomova. </em>Sovo: Towards a Digital Library of South Slavic Manuscripts: Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria and South-Eastern Europe / <strong>9</strong><br /> <em>David J. Birnbaum. </em>Paul the Not-So-Simple / <strong>23</strong><br /> <em>Виктор Баранов. </em>Полнотекстовые базы данных как основа для электронных изданий средневековых рукописей в Интернете: требования, реализация, перспективы / <strong>47</strong><br /> <em>Sebastian Kempgen. </em>Unicode 2C1A - Glagolitic "Pe": Fact or Fiction? / <strong>65</strong><br /> <em>Anissava Miltenova. </em>Metadata and Electronic Catalogs of Slavic Manuscripts: A Multilingual Web-Based Terminological Resource for Medieval Slavic Studies / <strong>83</strong><br /> <em>Andrej Bojadzhiev, Tsvetana Dimitrova. </em>The Linguistic Information in the Electronic Corpus of Old Slavonic Texts / <strong>105</strong><br /> <em>Maja Jakimovska-Tosic. </em>Process and Strategy Development for the Digitization of Macedonian Written Cultural Heritage Materials / <strong>151</strong><br /> <em>David J. Birnbaum, Ralph Cleminson, Sebastian Kempgen,Kiril Ribarov. </em>Character Set Standardization for Early Cyrillic Writing after Unicode 5.1 / <strong>161</strong></p>
    <p><em>Мария Йовчева. </em>Возникновение славянских служебных миней: общие гипотезы и текстологические факты / <strong>195</strong><strong></strong><br /> <em>Лора Тасева. </em>Лемматизация в словарях южнославянских переводных текстов эпохи позднего Средневековья (в поисках компромисса между исторической лингвистикой и филологической прагматикой) / <strong>233</strong><br /> <em>Dragisa Bojovic. </em>Destruction of Handwritten Literary Legacy and Monastery Libraries in Kosovo and Metohija / <strong>269</strong><br /> <em>Pirinka Penkova. </em>On the Authorship of […] Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria / <strong>279</strong><br /> <em>Diana Atanassova. </em>The Miracles of the Great Martyr Menas in the Medieval Slavic pre-Metaphrastic Menaia-ceti (critical edition of the text, based on manuscript 1039 from the National Library "SS Cyril and Methodius" in Sofia) / <strong>305</strong><br /> <em>Maya </em><em>Petrova. </em>Once Again on the Cult and Hagiographic Texts about St Paraskeve/Petka of Rome in the South-Slavic Middle Ages / <strong>325</strong><br /> <em>Камен Михайлов. </em>Сказание о 12-ти пятницах в позднем возрожденческом списке попа Панно Димитриевича / <strong>351</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Debuts</strong><br /> <em>Stanislav </em><em>Stanev. </em>Repentance <em>for </em>and forgiveness <em>of </em>sins / <strong>369</strong><strong></strong></p>
    <p><strong>Personalia</strong><br /> <em>Anissava Miltenova. </em>Maria Spasova at 60 / <strong>389</strong></p>
    <p><strong>Reviews / 395</strong></p>
    <p>New Books <em>Margaret Dimitrova </em>/ <strong>407</strong><br /> <strong>Abstracts / 421</strong><br /> <strong>Abbreviations / 429</strong></p></span>